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A member registered Sep 17, 2021

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I thought I should add, upon testing the menu will only pop up if you sacrifice then go to the green light and press E. If you don't sacrifice the person and press E at the green light the menu will not appear .

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Alright I love the game, but when playing on  web when you get to the green light at the end of a level and press E it pops up the development console. You can play the game, but it does consume the screen slowly. 

It is kinda sad & freaky but nostalgic and happy  in  a weird way. If you would have had to leave  Nika I would have cried. But when I saw my car was destroyed I was oddly happy I couldn't

Oh no, I'm only on night 3 of the original fnwf. Guess I gotta beat the OG version first. XD

Trolls are gonna troll, so don't let this quote on quote "Mortypoo" get ya down. He's just some half life slob that thinks it fun to make others feel like crap. I know because I used to be one of these types on the internet.

Oh... I guess I got the cat types mixed up XD

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I feel like i'm missing something with sphinx. I play the cat song when he is up but he still attacks. Do I need to turn it off the second he goes back to sleep or something? Also the black cat, he attacks way to fast. Even if I have realized he's moved I can't put the monitor down in time.